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时间:2019-05-24 11:33:32 作者:


  Movie and television translation is an important and common translation project now. To do a good job of film and television translation, we must first understand the characteristics and process of film and television translation. Now, Beijing Translation Company will tell you about the characteristics and process of film and television translation.


  The characteristics of film and television translation:


  1. Instant. The language in movies and TV plays belongs to the voiced language, which is fleeting. Therefore, audiences are generally required to understand what they are talking about once.


  2. It is popular. This is determined by the immediacy of film translation. Film and television art is destined to be a popular art from the day of its birth. Except for a few experimental works, the vast majority of movies and TV plays are for people to watch. Therefore, the language of movies and TV plays must be in line with the education level of the broad audience, and it is required to be able to understand them as soon as possible. This stipulates that film and television translation must be centered on the target language audience and take into account their language level, which means that the method of film and television translation is mainly free translation.

  3、简洁化、口语化。影视翻译多以人物对话或内心独白或旁白的形式出现,即十分的口语化。基于影视翻译的这些鲜明特点,所以,译者在将其翻译成为另一国的文字时,便不能不考虑语言风格的传译问 题,只有翻译的简洁明了,通俗易懂,才不会流失过多的观众。

  3. Simplification and colloquialism. Movie and television translation usually takes the form of character dialogue or inner monologue or narration, which is very oral. Based on these distinctive features of film and television translation, translators can not ignore the translation of language style when translating it into the language of another country. Only when the translation is concise and easy to understand, can it not lose too many audiences.


  The process of film and television translation:


  Film and television translation can be divided into the following two levels:


  1. The process of source material reconstruction-scratching material-translation is composed.


  In the first level, the first step refers to the interaction between the author and the translator. Translators need to use the source language as the background language and get the correct expression of translation information through the analysis of the source language. The second step is the interaction between the translator and the audience. In this step, the translator must take the target language as the background language, and express the audience's favorite content by constructing reasonable scenes and using accurate target language. The third step is the combination of the first step and the second step, in which the translator acts as a bridge.


  2. It consists of the process of original text reconstruction-translation.


  Whether the first step or the second step of translation is invisible, the translator should take the target of the audience as the starting point, otherwise the film translation will be meaningless.


  The above is to share with you the characteristics and process of film and television translation. I hope it will be helpful to you. If you want to know more about it, you can watch other articles on this site.

China International Translation service Co., Ltd.